SATURDAYTropical shotBeetroot smoothieBeef steak with mashed potatoes and mushroomsAsparagus soup SUNDAYRecovery shotRefresh smoothieCajun salmon with black riceBeet detox soup MONDAYForest Berries shotGoji smoothiePan seared chicken with veggies and riceGreen detox soup TUESDAYImmunity Boost shotGreen earth smoothieSesame beef with veggies and sweet potato chipsTomato basil soup WEDNESDAYSuper Green shotBlueberry and avocado smoothieGrilled seabass with pumpkin and broccoli pureBatternut squash soup THURSDAYCitrus shotDragon fruit smoothieGrilled chicken with rice and taboulehMushroom soup
SATURDAYTropical shotBeetroot smoothieBeef steak with mashed potatoes and mushroomsAsparagus soup SUNDAYRecovery shotRefresh smoothieCajun salmon with black riceBeet detox soup MONDAYForest Berries shotGoji smoothiePan seared chicken with veggies and riceGreen detox soup TUESDAYImmunity Boost shotGreen earth smoothieSesame beef with veggies and sweet potato chipsTomato basil soup WEDNESDAYSuper Green shotBlueberry and avocado smoothieGrilled seabass with pumpkin and broccoli pureBatternut squash soup THURSDAYCitrus shotDragon fruit smoothieGrilled chicken with rice and taboulehMushroom soup
SATURDAYTropical shotBeetroot smoothieBeef steak with mashed potatoes and mushroomsAsparagus soup SUNDAYRecovery shotRefresh smoothieCajun salmon with black riceBeet detox soup MONDAYForest Berries shotGoji smoothiePan seared chicken with veggies and riceGreen detox soup TUESDAYImmunity Boost shotGreen earth smoothieSesame beef with veggies and sweet potato chipsTomato basil soup WEDNESDAYSuper Green shotBlueberry and avocado smoothieGrilled seabass with pumpkin and broccoli pureBatternut squash soup THURSDAYCitrus shotDragon fruit smoothieGrilled chicken with rice and taboulehMushroom soup
SATURDAYTropical shotBeetroot smoothieBeef steak with mashed potatoes and mushroomsAsparagus soup SUNDAYRecovery shotRefresh smoothieCajun salmon with black riceBeet detox soup MONDAYForest Berries shotGoji smoothiePan seared chicken with veggies and riceGreen detox soup TUESDAYImmunity Boost shotGreen earth smoothieSesame beef with veggies and sweet potato chipsTomato basil soup WEDNESDAYSuper Green shotBlueberry and avocado smoothieGrilled seabass with pumpkin and broccoli pureBatternut squash soup THURSDAYCitrus shotDragon fruit smoothieGrilled chicken with rice and taboulehMushroom soup
SATURDAYTropical shotBeetroot smoothieBeef steak with mashed potatoes and mushroomsAsparagus soup SUNDAYRecovery shotRefresh smoothieCajun salmon with black riceBeet detox soup MONDAYForest Berries shotGoji smoothiePan seared chicken with veggies and riceGreen detox soup TUESDAYImmunity Boost shotGreen earth smoothieSesame beef with veggies and sweet potato chipsTomato basil soup WEDNESDAYSuper Green shotBlueberry and avocado smoothieGrilled seabass with pumpkin and broccoli pureBatternut squash soup THURSDAYCitrus shotDragon fruit smoothieGrilled chicken with rice and taboulehMushroom soup